Sabtu, 28 Januari 2012

Tugas Dari Modul Halaman 9

Nama : Pandia Gunawan Situmorang

Npm : 1002292

Program Listing

Private Sub cmdproses_Click(Index As Integer)

Select Case Index

Case 0

Call hapus


rubahcmd Me, False, True, True, True


Case 1

If cmdproses(1).Caption = "&Simpan" Then

Call prosesdb(0)


Call prosesdb(1)

End If

Case 2

X = MsgBox("Are you sure delete guys ??", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Barang")

If X = vbYes Then prosesdb 2

Call hapus


Case 3

Call hapus


Case 4

Unload Me

MsgBox "thanks guys", vbInformation, "Keluar"

End Select

End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()


End Sub

Sub hapus()

kode.Enabled = True

clearform Me

Call rubahcmd(Me, True, False, False, False)

cmdproses(1).Caption = "&Simpan"

End Sub

Sub prosesdb(log As Byte)

Select Case log

Case 0

SQL = "insert into barang(Kode,Nama,Harga)" & _

"values('" & kode.Text & _

"','" & nama.Text & _

"','" & harga.Text & "')"

Case 1

SQL = "update barang set Nama='" & nama.Text & "'," & _

"Harga='" & harga.Text & "'" & _

"where Kode='" & kode.Text & "'"

Case 2

SQL = "delete from barang where Kode='" & kode.Text & "'"

End Select

MsgBox "Pemrosesan RECORD Database telah berhasil ....!", vbInformation, "Data Barang"


db.Execute SQL, adCmdTable


Call hapus



End Sub

Sub tampilbarang()

On Error Resume Next

kode.Text = rs!kode

nama.Text = rs!nama

harga.Text = rs!harga

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Call opendb

Call hapus

End Sub

Private Sub kode_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If KeyAscii = 13 Then

If kode.Text = "" Then

MsgBox "Masuk Kode Barang Bro!", vbInformation, "Kode Barang"


Exit Sub

End If

SQL = "select*from barang where Kode='" & kode.Text & "'"

If rs.State = adStateOpen Then rs.Close

rs.Open SQL, db, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

If rs.RecordCount <> 0 Then


Call rubahcmd(Me, False, True, True, True)

cmdproses(1).Caption = "&Edit"

kode.Enabled = False


X = kode.Text

Call hapus

kode.Text = X

Call rubahcmd(Me, False, True, False, True)

cmdproses(1).Caption = "&Simpan"

End If


End If

End Sub

Program Listing yang dibuat di dlm modul

Public db As New ADODB.Connection

Public rs As New ADODB.Recordset

Public rs1 As New ADODB.Recordset

Sub opendb()

If db.State = adStateOpen Then db.Close

db.CursorLocation = adUseClient

db.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\jaringan\data2.mdb;Persist Security Info=False"

End Sub

Sub clearform(f As Form)

Dim ctl As Control

For Each ctl In f

If TypeOf ctl Is TextBox Then ctl.Text = ""

If TypeOf ctl Is ComboBox Then ctl.Text = ""


End Sub

Sub rubahcmd(f As Form, L0 As Boolean, L1 As Boolean, L2 As Boolean, L3 As Boolean)

f.cmdproses(0).Enabled = L0

f.cmdproses(1).Enabled = L1

f.cmdproses(2).Enabled = L2

f.cmdproses(3).Enabled = L3

End Sub

ne lah Hasil Program nya :

Semoga Bermanfaat Untuk Anda yang membaca blog ne :)

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